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Why doesn't Google Shopping show all my results?

When you search in Google Shopping by your store name, you may or may not see all your products in the search results.

To do an accurate search, you should search by Account ID rather than store name. Your Account ID can be found in your Google Merchant Account Dashboard on the top-left of the page. (Account ID may also be known as accountid, sellerid, authorid, seller ID, or author ID.) Enter the URL as follows into your browser:

You can also use this form to run an AuthorID search in Google Shopping:

Google Account ID (e.g. 1234567)

It is no longer possible to see the approximate number of matching items or navigate to the last page of results to get a count of the listings (unless there are less than about 100 results).

Note that the search results may vary by your geographical location and may vary over time as Google's search index is distributed and updated over time.

The only correct way to see your searchable items is to log into your Google Merchant Account Dashboard, go to the Products tab, and select the "Status" as "Searchable". Note that the item count here is also an estimate, and you can only see accurate item counts on the "Data Feeds" tab.


Google Shopping

Updated: February 28, 2018