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WebGains Affiliate Product Feed

Our Google Shopping feed is fully compatible with the WebGains Product Update Data Feed.

You can find the URL of the Google Shopping feed on the Manage Feed > Download Data Feed File page of your account.

Select the format TSV, not CSV, in the WebGains feed section of your WebGains Advertiser Account.

Google Product Category for WebGains

Google Shopping now recommends that you leave google_product_category blank so that they can auto-categorize your items. WebGains requires google_product_category and will reject the feed if it is left blank.

If you are leaving google_product_category blank in your Google Shopping feed, there are two ways to resolve this conflict. You can subscribe to our Categorization Service were we set the google_product_category for your products. Or, can create a copy of the Google feed for WebGains and set a Default Value for google_product_category

Support Policy

While you are welcome to use the Google Shopping feed URL for any purpose, we can only support one channel per feed. If you require customization or full support, we can quickly create a copy of your Google Shopping feed specifically for WebGains (or other destination).


Google Shopping

Updated: July 13, 2022