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Google Required Attributes for Apparel Items (US-sellers)

In Google's Product Taxonomy, the Apparel and Accessories category includes Shoes, Clothing, and Jewelry. You can assign the category of each item via the google_product_category attribute.

Any items assigned a category (or any subcategory) of Apparel and Accessories will require the information listed below.

  • gender - 'male', 'female', or 'unisex' are the only allowed values
  • age_group - 'adult', 'kids', 'newborn', 'infant', and 'toddler' are the only allowed values
  • color - must be the dominant color of the pictured item
  • size - required for Clothing and Shoes; accepted size values
  • material - if applicable
  • pattern - if applicable
  • image_link - the image must be of the specific color, material, and pattern (the specific size is recommended too)
  • brand - required unless item is custom-made
  • google_product_category - required (providing only the top-level category is okay, as long as you differentiate between Shoes and Clothing at a minimum)

See the following Google support articles for more information:

In order to meet these requirements, you have a couple options:

A. Submit Only One Variant for Each Product

You will need to add values to your store catalog for color, size, material, pattern, gender, and age_group. If a value is the same for all items, e.g. 'gender=female', then you can define a default value on the Manage Feed > Define Fields page.

For some store, you can also submit the first color and/or size option value. In that case, just make sure the main product image coincides with the first size/color option.

B. Submit All Variants of the Product

We have the capability to submit all variations of your items based on supplemental data you provide to us. This service requires a Custom feed and there is a setup fee. For more information, please refer to our Product Feed Multiplication Service.

Please consider our Data Feed Optimization Service. This one-time, flat-rate service, includes a review of your store data, configuration of your data feed, and a customized optimization report that includes a strategy for meeting the new requirements.


Google Shopping

Updated: February 4, 2018