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Product Count Monitoring for Google Shopping

Sep 17, 2013

This post is to inform you that our Product Count Monitoring service for Google Shopping feeds is no longer available.

Google no longer allows anyone access to the search functions that were used for this service, so we are no longer able to offer it.

Product Count Monitoring was an optional, free service that checked your count of products listed in Google Shopping each day, and emailed you when the count dropped below a certain threshold.

There is no need to take any action. If you were using this service, then your product count history will remain in your account under My Account > Manage product count monitors.

As an alternative to this service, you can go to your GMA Preferences page, and select Always under the Notifications section. Google will email your technical contact email with the number of items processed/inserted after each submission.

We are working on a replacement for this service. Stay tuned.

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