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Google Merchant Center Phone Number, Chat, and Email Contact Forms

How do I contact Google Merchant center?

You can contact Google Shopping / Merchant Center support by phone, email, or chat. Read below to find the phone number, hours of operation, email contact forms, and chat instructions.

USA Phone Number and Hours

+1-855-607-0431 or +1-866-246-6453
USA, 9 am - 8 pm ET, Monday - Friday, English, Spanish
Verified on Jun. 10, 2024

The Current Phone Number and Hours of Operation for your Region

Google Merchant Center no longer lists their phone numbers on their website. Instead, you must use the Contact Us Form - Google Merchant Center. Read below for more specific instructions. You can still directly Call Google Ads Experts.

Google Merchant Center Support Email Address

No email address is provided for opening a ticket. Instead, to open a written ticket, use one of the Contact Forms listed below, or the Send Message instructions that follow.

Google will respond by email from shopping-support at, but this address has changed frequently over time, and you can only reply to it once a ticket has been opened. If you email this address to open a new ticket, you will get an auto-response saying it is an unmonitored address.

Chat or Send Message to Google Merchant Center

  1. Sign In to Google Merchant Center Get Help page
  2. Type phone (or anything) and click Next Step
  3. Click Account Suspension (or anything) and then click Next Step
  4. Click the Email button. Chat or Call Us buttons may also be available.
  5. Fill in the form to continue

Pro Tips and Advice

We recommend using phone support for urgent issues.

Phone support is time consuming and follow-up is difficult. For a more reliable resolution to your problem, use the contact forms below.

Expect email response time of 1-2 business days. For complex issues, expect about 3-8 correspondences to achieve a resolution to your issue, as issues go from boilerplate responses, to low-level support, up to high-level support gradually. Be aware that responses can be frustrating, especially when your ads are down. For best results, be persistent and courteous.

Links to Google Merchant Center Contact Forms

Google Merchant Center does not provide a general email address for support inquiries. Instead, to initiate an email support ticket, use one of the forms below.

Disapproved Feed Resolution Services

We provide assistance and advice and to our data feed clients on navigating Google Merchant policy disapproval, errors, and warnings.

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