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How to view all products matching one or more specific filters

Use the instructions below to only enable a specific filter (or set of filters), and then view the products that match that filter in the product list.

  1. Go to Manage Feed > Product Filters
  2. Note the filter status, i.e. which ones are enabled and disabled. You can take a screen shot.
  3. Click the Check All button
  4. Click the Set to Disabled button
  5. Check the filter or filters you want to view
  6. Click the Set to Enabled button
  7. Go to Manage Feed > Product List
  8. Select Filtered Only in the Filtering State drop-down

    The product list will show all filters matching the selected products. Strike-through text formatting means the product is filtered out.

  9. Repeat the steps above to restore the original filter status (enabled/disabled).