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Download inventory and upload it to on iPad/iOS

Install and Configure FE File Explorer App

  1. Install FE File Explorer free version (not Pro)
  2. Press '+' to add a new connection
  3. Choose FTP
  4. Enter the following settings:
    Display Name: leave blank
    Host Name/IP:
    Port: leave blank
    Path: leave blank
    Protocol: Require explicit FTP over TLS
    Transfer mode: Passive
    Charset: UTF8
    User Name: as provided to you
    Password: as provided to you
  5. Press under Connections
  6. You should see the list of files in the folder, or no files

Download inv.csv file

Note 1: If the inv file already exists in the Files app on your iPad, be sure to delete it first before following the steps below. Otherwise, the file will be downloaded as inv 2 and won't be recognized by our system unless it is renamed to inv

Note 2: iOS will not display the .csv file extension, but it will be there in the background. You can verify this by selecting Info after selecting the file in the Files app.

  1. Login to Yahoo Small Business
  2. Go to your Store Control Panel
  3. Click on Process > Inventory
  4. Click the Download button
  5. Choose All Tables and click the Download button
  6. Click Download when prompted Do you want to download "inv.csv"?

Upload inventory CSV file

  1. Launch the FE File Explorer app on your iPad
  2. Select FE File Explorer (Cloud) from the side-bar
  3. Select the Files App folder
  4. Select inv file that was downloaded earlier
  5. Select Copy to
  6. Select under Connections in the Copy to dialog window
  7. Select Save
  8. If the Resolve conflicts dialog appears, press Replace
  9. All steps are completed at this point, and you can exit the app.
  10. If you wish to confirm the upload was successful, press under Connections and verify the inv file time and size


Turbify (Yahoo) Store Help

Updated: November 30, 2020